Thursday, April 10, 2008

ASPCA Day and the rescued dog

Today is ASPCA Day. We made our own orange shirts with the ASPCA logo on the front, they didn't come out as good as we had hoped, but we wore them anyway. The image above is the one we have on our shirts.
Yesterday, while we were eating breakfast, Skylar noticed a dog wandering around the street without anyone with it. So being the animal lovers we are, we went outside to investigate further. We found out that he was wearing a collar, so we knew he must have got out of his yard and decided to go for a walk. It was a little tricky to get him to come to us, but he finally did when we offered him a bowl of water, at this time we grabbed his collar so he wouldn't get away. I called the animal control and they were on the way to pick up the dog, when I noticed he had a tag with his home phone number, so I called the owner to let them know we had found the dog. They get to our house at the same time animal control get here. The dog was very excited to see his owner, when the car came down the street the dog started whining right away. The owner told us that she was having yard work done, and the workers left the gate open and the dog ran out.
Once everything was settled, and the dog was in the car headed home, Sky was extremely proud of herself for helping to "save the dogs life". We watch animal cop shows of the animal planet all the time, so I think she felt like a real animal cop yesterday. She is so proud of herself, and we are as well.

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