Monday, April 7, 2008


Our kittens will be going back to the Humane Society sooner then we thought. We brought them in today to get a distemper vaccine, and the foster care coordinator said they look really good, and that two of the kittens weigh enough to have their spay and neuter surgeries, and the female only needs to gain a quarter of a pound to have hers. She asked if we wanted to leave them there today!! That sure caught me off guard. I said that we were not ready to bring them back yet, since we didn't have a chance to say goodbye to them, and Matt wasn't with us. So, we will drop them off on Sunday, they will have there surgeries on Monday and go up for adoption on Tuesday. Our time with the kittens seemed to go by very quickly, it kind of makes me sad to have to bring them back, but I know we will be getting another batch of kittens a week later, and the kittens we fostered will be getting great homes. I really love fostering, it makes me very happy to be helping out these animals in need, its very fullfilling for me, and they are just sooo cute! Well thats all for now. Adios

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