Friday, January 9, 2009


Shiva is getting so big. She graduated from her puppy kindergarten class and knows sit, down, stay, and paw. It seems like she had doubled in size since we got her. She is 5 months old now, and going to be spayed in a few weeks.

She really got along well with one of the kittens from our last litter of fosters. His name is Mr. Claws, you can see that Shiva loved him, they would sit next to eachother and the kitten would rub up against Shiva's legs, it was really cute. The other kitten hissed every time he say her.
She loves playing in the snow, its so funny to see her trying to catch a snowball that is thrown to her. It usually lands on the ground and breaks apart, and then she tries to eat all the broken pieces of snowball, while creating even more mini avalanches with her paws by pouncing on snow. She is a riot.

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